Saturday, August 9, 2008

Professionally Speaking-with friends in the industry.

I was fortunate to interview Christine Comaford-Lynch,  guest speaker at the National Speakers Association conference in NYC last week. She was fantastic, with lots of business tips from her book Rules for Renegades. Loved the 'Palm up networking' idea, putting energy into people, not asking but offering. Also the 'Rolodex dip', dipping into your address book once a week and connecting with someone, for no other reason than  a simple how are you, and mean it!

PS tip-No matter what business you are in, its all about the people!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Professionally Speaking: Interviewing Global Speakers

If you want to increase your emcee skills and boost your professional speaking ability one of the key techniques I would encourage you try is to always have a list of five (5) questions you can ask any person you meet.

PS Tip 1: Remember to keep these questions highly professional, contextual and relevant.

PS Tip 2: Ensure these questions are not going to date your interview content later. For example you wouldn't ask someone - 'how do people survive this current recession?'. You would reword this and ask 'How can people get ahead during tough financial times?' - this simple change of language ensures you can use this interview content for years to come.

I am off to attend the National Speakers Association International Conference in New York City today and I am excited about watching other emcees 'do their thing' on the platform - until next time,

Keep professionally speaking,