Friday, August 1, 2008

Professionally Speaking: Interviewing Global Speakers

If you want to increase your emcee skills and boost your professional speaking ability one of the key techniques I would encourage you try is to always have a list of five (5) questions you can ask any person you meet.

PS Tip 1: Remember to keep these questions highly professional, contextual and relevant.

PS Tip 2: Ensure these questions are not going to date your interview content later. For example you wouldn't ask someone - 'how do people survive this current recession?'. You would reword this and ask 'How can people get ahead during tough financial times?' - this simple change of language ensures you can use this interview content for years to come.

I am off to attend the National Speakers Association International Conference in New York City today and I am excited about watching other emcees 'do their thing' on the platform - until next time,

Keep professionally speaking,

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